05 August 2008

July 20

Okay, so I tire of writing about past days. Here is today, and here is where I find myself...
I am on a plane from Kiev to Amsterdam. To my right is a window, to my left sits David F. and then Jon D. 

Life goes on and I don't know. 

(well, I stepped on a rusty tack the other day-it was unexpected. There was a bit of worry about infection. The anger the other day was like the rusted tack-unexpected and humbling)

Some of the kids:

Dima- I gave my Bible to Dima. He has a Russian one but wants to learn better English. He pleaded with David C. and I to stay. He didn't understand how we could not know if we were coming back to Ukraine or not. (How it hurts! I would have stayed if it were possible and if it were beneficial. I pray that if I ever get a choice like that, I wouldn't selfishly choose to stay if it is merely possible--but that I would choose to stay only if beneficial as well.)The look on his face with that Bible-he wanted to read John 3:16 and Psalm 42...we also read part of 3 John because he thought that 3 John was John 3. There exists no kinder kid. He bought candy on multiple occasions and shared it with the Americans. He was so very generous. 

Sergae-The cutest boy ever. He is about 13, maybe? He loves playing basketball and anything else active. He is patient with English-speakers...

Achoom-Good English. He is sweet and desirous of our attention.

Oxana-very quiet, but a good listener

This is why we came. 

(and I connected more than @ Mexico with kids-is that because I stepped out of my comfort zone, or because of the way the camp was set up? Or perhaps the difference in culture? Any way one looks at it, it was a blessing from God)

Yet, I find myself distracted. 

1 comment:

Callandra said...

ok, you had me til the last sentence. and then i became confused. but i liked the descriptions of the kids. i love love love hearing about the people others meet.